Longevity Program

We are living in amazing times. Never in history of humanity, have we experienced this much comfort and convenience. Anything is only a tap of a finger away from your smart phone. .We can connect and talk to anyone anywhere in the world in a jiffy. Technology has made our life so easier and saves a lot of time for us. From the comfort of our home, we can do almost anything which our previous generation couldn’t even dream of.
Advances in medicine are also phenomenal. We have wiped out many infectious diseases from the planet which has threatened humanity. Blockbuster designer drugs and sophisticated surgical procedures are saving thousands of lives. Our lifespan has increased from 27 years, 200 years before to 78 years now. These are all very good news. But there is big bad news too. We face a tsunami of chronic disease in an unprecedented level and killing people prematurely more than double in number than infectious diseases. In US, chronic diseases now affect one in two people and account for 80% of health care. Despite the presence and availability of newer and newer drugs, the incidence of chronic diseases continues to rise exponentially around the globe.
Chronic disease are those diseases that make you sick and then never really go away. Their nature is to stay or to come back again and again. What are they? They are heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, auto immune disease, arthritis, cancer, depression, obesity, kidney and liver diseases, insomnia, chronic stress, Parkinson’s disease, dementia etc.
What these diseases will do to us? They rob our quality of life, accelerate our aging, steal years from our life, enfeeble us and drain the life out of us and deplete our financial resources.
And millions of people, even though they don’t have any diagnosable diseases are not experiencing and enjoying vibrant health. They feel a lack of vitality and energy, experience chronic stress and fatigue, lack of good sleep etc. As a generation, we are sicker than ever.
Another dreaded but unavoidable phase of life is aging and age-related health conditions. Once people cross their 40s and 50s, they experience a decline in their strength, resilience, joy, vitality and even memory and ability to focus. Aging is major risk factor for all chronic diseases.
So, is there no hope for us? Yes, there is not only hope but a solid and scientific solution for these problems and help us to live a life of vibrant health and vitality. Ayurveda, the wise and time-tested health care science emphatically says that great health and long life is the birth right of every human being. This great science has given elaborated methods, tools, herbs, life style modifications we can incorporate in our daily life which can completely prevent chronic diseases and prevent the decline of health and vitality as a result of aging.
Since aging is the central risk factor for all major diseases, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of aging itself along with preventing and reversing chronic diseases.
With the help of the insights from ageless wisdom of Ayurveda and also incorporating the insights of most modern scientific breakthroughs on longevity and ageing, we are bringing a unique program named “ SHATHAAYU “. This is a Life- changing, Life-saving program which will transform your physical, mental and emotional health to super optimal state where you will feel, look and function much younger, free from chronic diseases, and having a long lifespan and a vibrant health span.
The core purpose of the program:
- Primordial prevention of chronic and degenerative diseases.
- To enhance and sustain super-optimal health and wellbeing, youthful look, great vitality and exuberance.
- To bring your biological age very much younger than your chronological age.
- To bulletproof your body and mind against chronic stress, depression, anxiety and grief.
- To stop and prevent the occurrence of morbidity and frailty
This program is about turning back your ageing clock at any age. This is about becoming more resilient, exuberant and youthful.
This program is about, enhancing health at any age, also preventing, and reversing existing disease.
In short, this program will help you to die young at a very ripe old age