044 4205 9797


An Ancient Key for Total Wellbeing

The natural way to achieving balance and optimal health

Welcome to Swaztha Ayurveda, the sanctuary of healing, health, and wellness. Step into the world of original science of Healthcare at Swaztha Ayurveda, where Ayurveda unfolds its transformative magic(sorry, it’s not magic but pure science) on your body, health and the entire fibre of your being.

We invite you to experience the disease reversing and health enriching science of Ayurveda in a nurturing environment where wisdom of Ayurveda blends with robust scientific rigour and logic. Whether you seek treatment and reversal of chronic diseases or want to achieve any specific health goals, Swaztha Ayurveda offers the whole repertoire of authentic Ayurvedic treatments and protocols which help you to achieve the same without any adverse effects, but with added pleasant health bonuses like more energy and vitality. We are committed to hand-holding you on the path of optimum health, resilience and lasting wellness.

We are delighted to be your trusted partner on your transformative journey towards unalloyed health from cell to soul.

Through the integration of time-tested and safe Ayurvedic treatment protocols combined with customised lifestyle recommendations and optimum nutrition we strive to address the root causes of altered physiological and biochemical aberrations which culminated into one or more diseases. These personalised and precision protocols of Ayurveda invoke your body’s inherent potential for regeneration and healing and reverse even the most stubborn disease and restore lasting health and wellness.

Drawing from the rich tapestry of Ayurveda therapies, we offer a range of treatments designed to detox, restore, rejuvenate and rebalance your entire being. From Panchakarma (scientific internal biopurification of Ayurveda) and metabolic reconfiguration / reprogramming protocols to personalised diet and lifestyle recommendations aim to address and annihilate the root cause(s) of diseases rather than merely suppressing or modifying their symptoms or being dependent on drugs for whole life.

At Swaztha we also believe that primordial prevention of diseases is the key to maintaining good health. Therefore, we conduct unique wellness programs and workshops which empower you with the right knowledge and practical tools to incorporate Ayurvedic principles into your daily life promoting longevity with vibrant health span, vitality and long-lasting health.

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Unlock the secrets to living well with ayurveda

A holistic journey to harmony

We are committed to handhold you on the path to Optimum Health, Resilience, and Lasting Wellness.


Neurodegenerative diseases

Ayurvedic Holistic Detoxfication

Our Signature Weight Loss Program

Chronic pain management

Longevity Program

Autoimmune diseases


Neurodegenerative diseases

Ayurvedic Holistic Detoxfication

Signature wellness programs

Chronic pain management

Longevity Program

Autoimmune diseases

What We Offer

A holistic journey to harmony

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Step closer to health with ayurveda

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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment Today!

The aim of Ayurvedic medicine is to restore balance and harmony through a holistic approach that encompasses various aspects of an individual’s life, herbal remedies, detoxification, meditation, and more.

Why Swaztha?

Current medical approaches follow a one-size-fits-all model. Drugs and surgical procedures are designed to treat large groups of people with the same diseases, such as diabetes or cancer. While they may factor in gender, age, or weight, overall, doctors base treatments on what’s most likely to work for everyone with the same disease, often ignoring individual differences among patients. Therefore, the response to treatment varies among individuals; it may work well for some, while for others, it may not work or even lead to adverse effects.

At Swaztha Ayurveda, we practice personalized Precision Ayurveda. Precision Ayurveda recognizes that each patient is unique, depending on factors such as metabolic type (Prakriti or body type), genetic type (genotype), diet, environment, nutritional status, immune status (Balam), and microbiome signature. Precision Ayurveda aims to understand how a person’s unique metabolic type (Prakriti) is influenced by their environment, diet, and lifestyle patterns to create or reverse and cure diseases. This approach takes into account the unique metabolic or body type of each individual and how their body and mind respond to their diet and other lifestyle choices. This personalized approach allows Ayurvedic doctors to predict and select the most appropriate treatment and prevention strategies for specific diseases, in contrast to the one-size-fits-all approach, which develops strategies for the “average person” with less consideration for individual differences. Precision Ayurveda from Swaztha Ayurveda aims to offer “the right treatment to the right patient at the right time.”

We ensure that you receive the care you deserve when you need it. As always, our Ayurvedic specialists treat most diseases, including the most important one: yours. Whether you or your loved ones need Ayurvedic treatment for minor ailments or specific chronic medical conditions, you can rest assured that Swaztha Ayurveda is your hope for healing and complete recovery.

In short, Swaztha Ayurveda provides the best in Ayurvedic healthcare for managing minor or major chronic diseases and other health issues, ensuring you stay optimally healthy at all times.

Our Ayurvedic Approach

At our Ayurveda center, we follow a unique and personalized approach to healing. Our expert practitioners begin each treatment process by conducting a thorough analysis of the patient’s body type, medical history, and current health conditions.
Make Appointment

You must make an appointment in advance, to choose the service and dater consectetuer litora per augue.


The next stage involves a thorough consultation with an Ayurveda practitioner.

Treatment Planning

The Ayurvedic practitioner creates a personalized treatment plan for the patient.

Book Your Appointment

Make sure to note down the appointment date, time, and location provided by the clinic. Set reminders on your calendar or set an alarm to ensure you are punctual and do not miss your appointment.
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+91 44 42068686

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+91 9841938588

Discover the Power of Ayurveda for Optimal Health and Well-being

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