044 4205 9797

Ayurvedic Holistic Detoxification Program

We live in a sea of toxins and toxicants. It is fact and reality that we cannot escape or should never ignore. Toxins and toxicants can be exogenous or endogenous or both in origin. Exogenous toxins are toxins which get inside our body from our environment, food, water, air etc. They can range from herbicides, pesticides, food additives, coloring of agents, metals, minerals, plastic products, petroleum products, cosmetics, industrial chemicals, chemicals from house hold products etc. Endogenous toxins are those toxins which are produced in the body as a byproduct of zillions of metabolic and bio-chemical activities happening inside the body. Both these kinds of toxins can interfere and alter the physiological activity even to the cellular and molecular level. These toxins can act as major drivers of almost all chronic diseases including arthritis, auto-immune disease, cancer etc. The presence of these toxins can be inferred by the manifestation of above said symptoms.

The core benefits of detoxification

Holistic Ayurvedic Detoxification program is a safe, scientific and structured therapeutic protocol which facilitate biotransformation of both exogenous and endogenous toxins, neutralise and eliminate them from even the deepest tissues of the body without causing any adverse effects.  Ayurveda considers detoxification as an essential ritual which has deep positive impact on our health. Some of the benefits of this process are:

  1. Prevents all major chronic diseases
  2. Stops the progression and complications of chronic diseases and even reverses the disease process
  3. Slow down the cellular ageing process and keep you younger
  4. Gives you a flawless radiant skin.
  5. Enhances immunity
  6. Improves energy and vitality and resilience
  7. The quality of sleep increases
  8. The mind becomes calm and enhances your stress threshold
  9. The quality of life improves exponentially and much more….


Program Itinerary

The detoxification program is customised and personalised according to your unique body type (Genotype), your lifestyle, the food patterns you followed throughout your life, your digestive health, your medical history (including blood and other relevant investigations), your heredity, age, nutrition status, etc. This program may include:

  1. Routine and relevant blood and other investigation to assess the present clinical status
  2. Customised diet plan according to your age, digestive health, physical activity, disease and immune status, blood report etc.
  3. Ayurvedic herbal medicinal preparations for intake
  4. Customised yoga postures and practices
  5. Ayurvedic detoxification therapies
  6. Educational program about your diet and life style
  7. Exercise plans suitable for you
  8. Supplements which should be continued after the program is over


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