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Ayurveda is the traditional health care science of India, having an illustrious track record of unbroken continuity of at least five thousand years. It is perhaps the oldest, well documented and most comprehensive and holistic science of medicine, Heath and healing, containing great wisdom for all humanity. Historically Ayurveda has been progressive, dynamic and inclusive building on great scientific, rational and philosophical foundation.

Ayurveda was the mainstream health care system of India since time immemorial and had an important role in evolving and sustaining a healthy, peaceful and dynamic society free from diseases, stress and conflicts. Ayurveda is the only ancient but incredibly  relevant  science  of  medicine and healing having a vast body of  scientific literature with profound and in-depth study of all the multi-dimensional aspects of human biology including anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, health and wellness, preventive medicine, immunity,  longevity, circadian rhythm, personalised medicine, disease and their treatment, climate and its effect on health, diet, exercise, mind, body, spirit, environment, herbs and minerals etc. It provides deep insight into the profoundest truths about Life itself, its purpose and inspires us to realise our destiny and celebrate our life to the fullest potential and make it meaningful to us and society. 

Have a look at these facts: Ayurvedic literature contains exhaustive scientific data on nearly 2000 medicinal plants with their pharmacological, pharmacokinetic, curative and preventive aspects in almost all diseases. There are over 10,000 different multi herbal combinations with clinically proven efficacy in acute, chronic and degenerative diseases and without any unpleasant side effects. And it explains in detail nearly 5000 clinical signs and symptoms our body and mind expresses in various diseases and their complications. 

The uniqueness of Ayurveda is that it has an inbuilt, sophisticated, mathematical and flawless algorithm to connect and correlate the signs and symptoms of diseases and/or altered physiology to the right herbal combination(s) which will be    the most appropriate to any specific clinical condition. This algorithm is designed in such a way that even in an emergence of a totally new disease, this algorithm will help to find the the most appropriate clinical response. This algorithm helps to systematically codify the signs and symptoms according to the character of the disorder so that the physician will be able to come to the right diagnosis and design the most appropriate therapeutic protocol. So, Ayurveda can be called a contemporary and futuristic   medicine.    

Ayurveda proclaims that a disease-free body, stress free mind and joyful spirit is the birth right of every individual and has laid down elaborate but practical tools and guidelines backed by sound logic to achieve and sustain that ideal state of health throughout the journey of life.

The term Ayurveda is formed by two Sanskrit words, Ayu and Veda. Ayu means Life and Veda means wholesome knowledge. So Ayurveda means complete understanding of Life. Ayurveda was cognized by the sage scientists of ancient India and was written by their disciples in the euphonious language of Sanskrit in the form of aphorisms. Each aphorism is pregnant with gems of timeless wisdom of multifaceted expressions of Mind, Body and Spirit. Scholars from different countries took Ayurveda to different parts of the world like Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Persia, Greece, Portugal etc enriching and shaping their native medical system and culture. Archeological evidences vindicate the fact that ancient India was exporting medicinal herbs to various countries across the globe. In the last few centuries Ayurveda has forced to take a backseat due to the invasions India has gone through.

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