About Us

Genesis of Swaztha Ayurveda
Swaztha Ayurveda is born out of inspiration.
We are inspired by the timeless health care science of Ayurveda, which provides the life-giving, life-saving knowledge to end all the three types of sufferings affecting mankind: physical suffering (diseases), emotional suffering and spiritual suffering.
We are inspired by the robust scientific rigour, profound insight, dynamic spirit of enquiry, and in–depth study of human biology, health, disease, medicines, diet, life, mind and spirit distilled in the immortal aphorisms of Ayurveda.
We are inspired by the boundless compassion pulsating through the whole literature of Ayurveda towards the entire creation.
Swaztha Ayurveda was established in 2005. From the time of inception, Swaztha Ayurveda was in the forefront of providing personalised, Precision Ayurvedic healthcare in the field of preventive medicine(primordial, primary, secondary and tertiary) wellness therapies, immunity optimisation protocols, disease specific Ayurvedic nutrition protocols, treatment of acute, chronic and degenerative diseases, ranging from seasonal allergies to autoimmune diseases to all types of arthritis to chronic back pain and neck pain to digestive diseases to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, heart diseases, skin diseases to chronic renal failure to neuro degenerative diseases like dementia, Parkinson’s disease offering the best in class clinical outcomes.
Apart from the above, Swaztha Ayurveda is a pioneer in preventive medicine, longevity therapies and strategies, detoxification therapy unique to Ayurveda called Panchakarma therapy. Importance of preventive medicine and detoxification therapy is more relevant in modern times. It is generally told “Prevention is better than cure” but Ayurveda says “Prevention IS the cure”. Several landmark studies have shown that millions of people die prematurely from chronic diseases like heart diseases, stroke, cancer, liver, kidney and lung diseases every year. More than 80% of these diseases and premature deaths can be totally prevented by early intervention and scientific prevention strategies and detoxification therapies of Ayurveda. There are Ayurvedic therapies and life style modification strategies which help to do primordial prevention of these diseases so that you will not fall victim of these chronic diseases. Ayurvedic prevention strategies , detoxification therapies and longevity protocols will help to create and sustain an ideal state of health for really long , long time . In short , Swaztha Ayurveda will help you to die young at a very ,very ripe old age.

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Unlock the secrets to living well with ayurveda
Why Swaztha Ayurveda??
Current medical approach follows a one-size-fits-all approach. Drugs and surgical procedures are designed to treat large group of people with the same disease – like Diabetes or Cancer. They may factor in your gender, age, or weight, but overall, doctors base your treatment on what’s most likely to work for everyone with the same disease. Differences of each individual patients are ignored. So the response of the treatment will be different in different individuals. It will work well in some and it may not work in many and in some it may invite adverse effect also.
At Swaztha Ayurveda, we practice personalised, Precision Ayurveda. Precision Ayurveda recognises that each patient is unique. This uniqueness depends upon each patient’s unique metabolic type(Prakriti or body type), genetic type(genotype), diet, environment, nutrition status, immune status(Balam), microbiome signature etc. Precision Ayurveda aims to understand how a person’s unique metabolic type (Prakriti) is influenced by the environment, diet, lifestyle pattern to create or reverse and cure a disease. Precision Ayurveda takes into account the unique metabolic type or body type and how his/her body and mind responds to his/her diet and other lifestyle choices. This approach will allow the Ayurveda doctor to predict and select the most appropriate treatment and prevention strategies for a particular disease(s). It is in contrast to a one-size-fits all approach, in which disease treatment and prevention strategies are developed for the “average person”, with less consideration for the differences between individuals. Precision Ayurveda from Swaztha Ayurveda aim to offer “the right treatment to the right patient at the right time.”
We make sure that you are provided the care you deserve, when you need it. As always, our Ayurveda specialists treat most of the diseases including the most important one: yours.
Whether you or your loved ones needs an Ayurvedic treatment for minor or any specific chronic medical condition, you can rest assured that Swaztha Ayurveda is your hope for healing and complete recovery.
In short, Swaztha Ayurveda gives you the best of Ayurvedic healthcare in managing minor or major chronic diseases and other health issues and ensures you to stay optimally healthy always.